
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
Media Pack IDR - Meeting the needs of the techno-conscious developer without hype
Several advertising options and features are available to companies wishing to reach the target audience of professional developers, managers and programmers contributing to the IDR resource and community site.
Banner Advertising
Banner advertising on iDevResource.com is available at a flat rate - $75 per slot per month.
A slot is one advert, either an IAB-standard banner (486 x 60) or box (125 x 125), with run of site rotation for one month.
Targetting (i.e. rotation around one channel, eg. ASP) is available for $100 per slot.
We run a sliding scale for multiple banners and/or boxes, and for longer time periods.
- 1 banner or box for three months = $200, targetted to one channel=$250
- 10 banners or boxes across the site for three months = $1900
Contact us at [email protected] with your requirements and we can negotiate a flatrate suitable to both parties.
There is one proviso about adverts on iDevResource.com - they must be relevant to the developer community. We do not accept lotto or free money ads, horoscopes, mortgage or financial etc. Following market research we know that our community is most interested in targetted advertising eg software, hardware, developer products, computer related, conferences for programmers, training courses, jobs, books, developer magazines etc. This works best for both the community and the advertiser, ensuring a higher click through rate.
FREE advertising
Each month we make 10 percent of our inventory available to the developer community at large on a first come, first served basis following our Open Publishing initiative.
Creatives can be either text or graphical, fit the standard banner or box shown above, be a max of 10kb, graphics in jpg or gif format, files named as mycompany_box.gif or mycompany_banner.jpg, and submitted to [email protected]. They should also include an ALT IMG tag and a linking URL. One creative per company/individual each month only please.
The catalogue currently has three 'departments' - Products, Jobs and Training Courses. A sample catalogue entry can be viewed here. Each product listing should be a maximum of 100 words, include a logo or package gif/jpg (max 7kb) with ALT tag, and a URL link. A product listing is carried for three months. Each product will be linked within the appropriate channel and a small advert carried in the first newsletter released after the listing. Automatic renewal reminders will be sent out during the second month of the listing, and changes can be made during the three month listing on price, logo and URL.
iDevResource.com offers a press release service through the Breaking News zones. A summary of the press release, company logo and link to URL to company site will all be provided. A brief summary of the press release will be included in the first newsletter sent out to subscribers after the press release is received.
Newsletter text adverts
IDR currently has one newsletter which goes out on a monthly basis to all subscribers. A 5 line text advert, including URL, which appears at the beginning of the newsletter costs $50 per issue. Sponsor the newsletter for one issue for $50. Sponsorship notices will appear at the beginning of the newsletter.
Payment details will be made available upon request.
No advertisement, product or press release will feature until payment has been received and cleared.