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Cartoon by Guy Barker, a professional software developer for 15 years. About Guy:
I spent the first years working in the UK before moving to the US, and have worked on an
interesting variety of software packages, (including CAD, Robot simulation, CBT, Accounting and e-mail software). I'm a great believer that some of
the most daunting elements in software can become no big deal once you've got some introduction into the subject. My Proxy & Stub cartoon is
intended to get people asking questions about the apartments their threads live in, and with a little investigation the answers soon appear. The
consequences of avoiding these sort of questions prior to shipping your software can be severe, and the answers are actually easier to find than
you might imagine. Whatever you do, don't be a week from shipping before asking yourself... "It's almost midnight, do I know where my threads
Any ideas for cartoons, jokes and other contributions to the ETC channel are welcome. Send to the usual address [email protected]
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