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Book of the Month:
COM+ Programming

COM+ Programming:
With it being so fashionable to write about the beta .NET framework - books that will be out of date soon after they are published - it is nice to see a book about an established product, and one that has a lengthy future. I am talking about COM+ of course, the .NET framework relies on COM+ for its component services and will do in the future. So it makes sense to learn about COM+ because you can use it now with Windows 2000 and you will use it in the future when .NET is released. More Details...
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Our BIGGEST prize give-away EVER EVER EVER!

To celebrate our first birthday we have loads of prizes for you!

We have got a full copy of Windows 2000 Advanced Server, as well as a set of signed Richard Grimes books. We also have copies of Rockford Lhotka's Professional Windows DNA, and XSLT Programmer's Reference by Michael Kay, courtesy of Wrox Press.

How to enter:

The competition this month has some juicy prizes and all you have to do to enter is write a 1000+ word article for our audience of professional developers. .NET, COM, C#, XML, ASP.NET - you pick the topic and send the article in to us at [email protected]

The first prize winner will receive Windows 2000 Advanced Server, the second prize winner will receive the set of signed Richard Grimes books, and the third place winner will receive the two Wrox Press books.

Another competition for you:

Enter the 'Challenge Dan' competition at computer book store Computer Manuals.

Find out how clever their webmaster Dan thinks you are by taking part in his Challenge Dan! computer quiz! Answer as many of his questions as you can in sixty seconds to calculate your Cleverness Quotient, and discover exactly what Dan thinks your Geek Rating should be!

There are Ј700 of prizes on offer to the winners!!

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