
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
Newsletter for developers and programmers
April 7th 2000 Issue
Editor - mailto:[email protected]
By subscription only! Welcome to this issue of the
"iDevResource.com Newsletter".
You are receiving this newsletter because you requested a
subscription. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of
this newsletter.
Please pass this newsletter on to a colleague or friend who
you think would be interested in
If you wish to sponsor the newsletter, or one of the
channels on the site please contact mailto:[email protected]
Thank you to Computer Manuals for sponsoring the newsletter
last month. https://www.computer-manuals.com?idr
5 line text adverts in the newsletter are now being accepted.
Contact mailto:[email protected]
SPECIAL OFFER!! The first advert received for the next issue
will be FREE! Get your ad in now.
=> Sponsorship Notice
=> Welcome
=> New this Week
=> Polls
=> COM+ & MSMQ competitions
=> Subscribe/Unsubscribe information
WELCOME to the 12th issue
Welcome to the iDevResource newsletter for professional
Puf! All go here this week with the new News database running
smoothly, articles and sample chapters added to the site, and
fantastic interest in the COM+ competition.
We have developed some banners for the competition and also
for the site so if you would like one to run on your site,
please contact [email protected]?subject=COMbanner
Once again we would like to emphasise that iDR is a
site created by developers FOR developers. Not all
contributions to the site come from professional authors,
just from developers who have subjects they wish to cover.
If you have a subject you are dying to write about
because you have seen it poorly covered elsewhere,
or even incorrect code and explanations - just apply
your fingers to the keyboard and let us know!
We are also looking to offer more free tools for developers,
and kickstart the international communities so if you have
a tool to recommend or which you have developed, let us
know. If you are based anywhere around the world, the
international communities aim to provide resources for
international developers, details of events, books in other
languages, SIG's, etc.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you wish
to write, and international moderators should contact
[email protected]. We're here to help.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please send them
to mailto:[email protected]
iDevResource.com respects your privacy. Your e-mail address
will NOT be made available to anyone else.
WTL forums, and a WTL bug area are now on the site. These
have been mentioned in the Microsoft lists and also on
various gurus websites, so if you are into WTL this is the
place to report bugs, find answers about WTL, and of course
read Richard Grimes' articles. We have also resurrected
the WTL mailing list.
Bugs and WTL issues
Mailing List
NEWS database is up and running. There are filters to
sort by channel and date. If you wish to get your news
up there, just send your press release with:
URL, headline, text and which channel you wish to see
your news under to [email protected]. It's free
so don't miss this opportunity to get your news out
to professional developers.
The IGang insisted that they were given more space on the
site so the webmaster has obliged just to keep them quiet!
Go into any of the channels and follow the link in Etc to
'cartoons' to see what they are up to. There are several
up and coming storylines for their SOAP opera, and all
suggestions for new characters and sagas are welcome!
This week has been 'In a Nutshell' week with sample chapters
reproduced with permission from O'Reilly's 'In a Nutshell'
Running Linux in a nutshell - Chapter 10
Installing the X Window system
VB and VBA in a nutshell - Chapter 2
Program Structure
ASP in a nutshell - Chapter 6
The Request Object
ASP Byte Size has been updated with more FAQ resources and new
Java Foundation Classes in a nutshell - Chapter 3
Swing Programming Topics
We are still looking for XML and ASP articles and article ideas.
We're also looking for ATL, MTS and MFC FAQ's. Have you written
one or know of a good one? Let us know.
Want to write? Download the author template and read the
guidelines here https://www.idevresource.com/contribute.asp?nl11
A team-oriented hands-on senior level developer to lead a
team in a fast, new internet start-up. Must have MSSQL 7.0
ASP (VBscript) and HTML and DHTML. Experience in Visual
Basic, QA TCP/IP large internet deployment data warehousing,
Perl and NT Shell scripting a plus.
Please send details to Shona Carmichael
[email protected] and tell her you read it here!
Looking for a developer? Post in the jobs forums, or contact
the editor of the newsletter for rates to post here.
Don't forget the catalogue - boxed listings are free all
month and listings stay up for 3 months.
Contact [email protected] with details of the product,
training course etc that you wish to list.
MSMQ Competition. NEW THIS WEEK! Thanks to MSMQ Product
Manager, Charles Sterling, we are pleased to be able to
announce an MSMQ Competition with $1000 dollars going to
the winner. The competition is to write a paper covering
the following:
MSMQ under Windows 2000
The brief is that the article should cover programming in
MSMQ in workgroup mode:
1)The principles and requirements of connected and disconnected
2) Discuss what MSMQ provides for a typical disconnected
applications and basic architecture
3) Explain how MSMQ is now a service in COM+
Deadline: April 30th. Details will go on the site shortly
Don't forget the COM+ Competition in association with Microsoft
with a prize fund of $2000. The deadline is April 30 and there
have been almost 40 entries now. Multiple articles will
be accepted for each topic as there are different viewpoints
for ASP, VB, etc developers. A newsletter should be going out
over the weekend to all who have entered. Best of luck!
More details on https://www.idevresource.com/thisweek.asp
And, still running.....;o)
How did the Windows 2000 chicken cross the road? And the XML
and ASP and Java chickens? Check out the other technological
chickens at https://www.idevresource.com/humour.asp and send
in some suggestions for other chucks!! Prizes to the top
answers.........send your suggestions to
[email protected]
We'll be back with more news and views next week. Feedback
welcome as always!
Have a great weekend!
The iDevResource.com Team
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