
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
Newsletter for developers and programmers
Feb 2000 Issue #5
IDude, Editor, [email protected]
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"iDevResource.com Newsletter".
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=> Welcome
=> Sponsorship Notice
=> New this Week
=> COM+
=> Footnote
=> Subscribe/Unsubscribe information
Welcome to the iDevResource.com weekly newsletter for
developers and programmers.
This week sees the launch of the long-awaited Windows 2000,
and the iDevResource.com team are going to the London
event so we hope to be reporting back on our version of
events! We will be wearing the exclusive IDude tshirts and
if you are there and happen to spot us, come over and have
a chat and ask us for a freebie.
For an idea of just how excited IDude is about this launch,
take a look at https://www.idevresource.com/com/etc/cartoons.asp?nl5
Tshirts will be available shortly of all the IGang and more!
Even as this new product is launched, news is breaking this
week about VS7 and new features in VB, plus the expected
release dates of Whistler and Millennium - further Microsoft
operating systems. Check out Breaking News for more details
and watch this space!
There have been considerable changes on the site this week
and we hope they make the site more visually appealing and
easy to navigate. We welcome your feedback and suggestions,
please send them to [email protected]
Once again, please support the site by purchasing books
through the bookstore, and if you are a company, why not
consider reaching an international audience of professional
developers around the world by advertising on the site, or
featuring your product, job or training course in the catalogue.
(See below for details of our latest catalogue offer)
If you wish to sponsor the newsletter, or one of the
channels on the site please contact [email protected]
Thank you to Vivid Creations for sponsoring the newsletter
last month. https://www.vivid-creations.com?idr
Adverts in the newsletter are now being accepted. Contact
[email protected]
The catalogue is now up and running, although we are
concerned at some feedback about the pricing. The iDevResource
website is here to serve you so for this week we will be
accepting listings for the catalogue at a reduced rate. And
that rate will be set by you! Contact us and tell us how much
you are willing to pay to reach a target audience of professional,
international developers.
[email protected]
Take a look at the catalogue to see how your listing will
appear. All items featured in the catalogue will also be
shown at the bottom of articles likely to be read by your
target audience, mentioned in the newsletter and also in
external promotional material sent out by iDevResource.com.
Top article last week was the unbelievably popular second
article from Dr Richard Grimes about WTL Architecture.
Other new articles include:
Coding a DCOM server component from IDL by Gopalan Suresh Raj
Coding a DCOM client by Gopalan Suresh Raj
Gopalan's COM Threading Models article has been amended this
week thanks to feedback from Julian Templeman.
Sendhil Arunagiri writes about a log in page for your
website using ASP
Further articles have been delayed due to a hectic week for
the IDR Team. Apologies and they should all go on the site
during next week.
If you would like to controbute to IDR, download the template
and read the guidelines here
Ask the Gurus
We are receiving more Ask The Gurus queries each day. Are
you a guru, or a potential guru? Please join our in-house
gurus in helping answer the community's questions. Our gurus
have been working hard recently to develop the website using
the technology the site covers, and we shall shortly be
unveiling some great new features.
The following Ask The Guru questions AND MORE are
looking for responses. Check them out in the Interactive
Zone of each channel
eg https://www.idevresource/com/interactive/gurus.asp
All gurus receive full credits and their own area in Author
I would like to invoke COM objects on different remote
machines programmatically. I can do this using
CoCreateInstanceEx and give the remote machine info. But,
how could I do this using MTS?
I don't feel enough at home yet with ATL to understand most
of Richard Grimes' WTL article, but I would like to play
with the WTL utility classes (CString etc) from a
*console program*.
What is the minimal setup to do this? I assume I will need
a _Module, and thus a HINSTANCE...
Setup hot standby MTS (to serve the clients in case working
MTS is down)
May I know how to set up a backup MTS for the network?
Can I just set up a system with MTS and copy all the
packages to the new system with MTS?
Will the clients have difficulty searching for the correct
package if there are 2 MTS with the same packages in the
Check out the questions and answers in Ask The Gurus at
XML Forums
The XML forums, designed by our very own Rich Anderson, are
now up and running, so dive in there and test them out.
We plan to set up forums for each channel and also more
general forums for discussion, and on the developer world.
Let us know what you would like to talk about and we'll
start the ball rolling!
Windows 2000
We're looking for views, experience of deploying and
developing with W2K, and are always on the lookout for case
studies, particularly in business environments to share with
the rest of the community, not only involving W2K, but any of the
technologies featured on the site.
Coming Soon....
- Watch out for the new series on VB COM which will begin
this month
Thanks to the COM+ developers who have come forward to
contribute to the COM+ Development Series.
We are still looking for COM+ FAQ's as well as authors for
the remaining articles.
If you feel capable of covering one of the articles outlined
at https://www.idevresource.com/com/library/articles.asp
please contact [email protected]
And that's all for this week - lots more news and reports
on events next week.
The iDevResource.com Team
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