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Book of the Month:
COM+ Programming

COM+ Programming:
With it being so fashionable to write about the beta .NET framework - books that will be out of date soon after they are published - it is nice to see a book about an established product, and one that has a lengthy future. I am talking about COM+ of course, the .NET framework relies on COM+ for its component services and will do in the future. So it makes sense to learn about COM+ because you can use it now with Windows 2000 and you will use it in the future when .NET is released. More Details...
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          Newsletter for developers and programmers
           ******** Happy St Patrick's Day! ********

 Mar 17th 2000                                         Issue #9

        IDude, Editor, [email protected] 

 By subscription only! Welcome to this issue of the
             " Newsletter". 

 You are receiving this newsletter because you requested a 
 subscription. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of 
 this newsletter.

 Please pass this newsletter on to a colleague or friend who
 you think would be interested in


        Please visit this month's sponsor:

      §-§-§     Computer Manuals      §-§-§ 

 The computer book specialist with an extensive selection of 
 computer books available for same day dispatch within Europe
 at up to 30% discount. 


If you wish to sponsor the newsletter, or one of the 
channels on the site please contact [email protected] 

Thank you to Vivid Creations for sponsoring the newsletter 
last month. 


5 line text adverts in the newsletter are now being accepted.
Contact [email protected] 

SPECIAL OFFER!! The first advert received for the next issue 
will be FREE! Get your ad in now.
    =>  Sponsorship Notice
    =>  Welcome
    =>  New this Week
    =>  Polls
    =>  COM+ competition
    =>  Subscribe/Unsubscribe information


Welcome to the iDevResource newsletter for professional

Firstly, can we wish everyone a Happy St Patrick's Day!
Wherever you are around the world, and whatever you believe, 
we all need an excuse to start our weekends in style!

The COM+ Competition is now in full swing and several articles
have already been added to the site in the COM+ Development 
Series.  There is $1000 in prizes so start writing now!  

The deadline is March 27th although we may extend this 
to assist those with other commitments to have a chance to 

We would like to give everyone a chance to judge the articles 
and help us decide the winners, so if anyone has any ASP 
or similar (NOT Perl please!) which would allow us to 
set up voting on the articles, please let us know.  
Development on other vital additions to IDR is ongoing 
and our inhouse developers are at full stretch.

Don't forget to tell colleagues who are involved in COM+ 
development about this COM+ competition.  

We are continually looking out for new authors who wish to 
publish their work and contribute to the community. You do 
not need to be a professional author as we can help with
editing. It's the content that counts, and we 
know that developers have to document their work for 
other developers, so just because your English or grammar 
aren't top hole, don't let that stop you contributing. 

The benefits for you are having your work seen by an
ever-growing audience of professional developers, and also
important folk from some of the top companies around the 
world.  You get a mini-site on Author Central to tell IDR 
visitors about yourself, your services, your experience etc.
Your articles are given exposure through this newsletter, on 
the site, in This Week, and also in material which we send out
to other websites, and companies.  Opportunities for IDR are
expanding all the time so the benefits will continue to grow.

Basically, you get fame and glory in the developer world!  
And, you can also share your experience through the forums and 
discussion groups affiliated with iDevResource for further 
self-promotion ;o)

Please contact us at [email protected] if you wish 
to write.  We're here to help.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please send them 
to [email protected]


You can keep up with all that is new on the site each day
by checking out This Week regularly.  Everything new on the 
site will also be featured there.

Top contribution in our eyes this week has to be Tony 
Toivonen's "Signs you may be taking COM too seriously"
You can read it at 

'Part 1 - Signs you may have hired the wrong COM developer' can
also be read there, along with The Chicken Joke.  We have had
several suggestions as to what the COM chicken would do, and 
are still awaiting ASP, Windows 2000, ATL, XML suggestions!
In fact, we could take this a long way with your help!

IDude has been out on the town already for St Patrick's Day,
and you can see him on the cartoons page.  We are always open
to new suggestions for the IGang's antics and our cartoonist,
Alex Hughes, has his pen at the ready!

The busiest forum is the Ask the Gurus forum, and several 
questions are still awaiting answers.  Our gurus keep 
vanishing off around the world to talk at conferences, give
seminars etc, and would welcome assistance.



Java COM Integration by Gopalan Suresh Raj 

Developing an MSMQ Server Application using VJ++ 
by Gopalan Suresh Raj 

Developing an MSMQ Client using VJ++ by Gopalan Suresh Raj 

COM HTTP Libraries - a Bytesize article following a question 
on the dev-asp list.  The answer was supplied by listmember 
Teun Duynstee. 

Watch out for the new articles going up shortly:

COM Pipes by Dr Richard Grimes (part of the COM+ Development Series)
COM Factory Pattern by Anthony Toivonen
and more...

We are still looking for XML and ASP articles and article ideas.

One request this week was from Subhalaxmi Guha for:
"..some real-time projects based on COM/DCOM with Visual Basic" for 
a team of developers looking for project experience.

Download the author template and read the guidelines here: 

Any suggestions for the author chats?  There is a forum thread 
specifically for your suggestions at 

The first one will be with Richard Grimes shortly.  Topics for
discussion welcome.


Last week, we asked "How can we improve the 
website?  What would you like to see?".  No-one responded, so
we can only hope that that means we are getting it right!  

We welcome feedback and are continually striving to 
improve the site and appreciate the time taken by members 
of the community to assist in this.

Following the debacle about Amazon and other company's
software patents, we have set up a poll on This Week to judge
how developers feel.  After all, it is our community as well 
as the Internet community who may be affected by these patents.
Take two ticks to show your opinions on this by clicking on
the opinion which most closely reflects yours at 

There is also a forum thread for discussion of this topic at 


Don't forget the COM+ Competition this month with $1000 in
prizes.  Deadline is March 27th.

The COM+ Development Series will be a comprehensive 
resource of COM+ articles, information on features and a 

There is considerable interest in this series already, 
and we know that many developers are struggling to find 
COM+ information currently.  Help them out by writing for the
series and take a pop at the $1000.

Full details at 

And that's all for this week.  Feedback welcome as always!

Have a great weekend and enjoy St Patrick's Day!

The Team

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