
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
Today: December 9, 2006
Top iDevResource.com Articles:
WTL 7 released!! - News, April 9, 2002
A new version of WTL has finally been released, and you can get your hands on it now. Join the WTL group and discuss bugs, fixes and WTL code at https://www.yahoogroups. ... More details...
Back with a vengeance! - Rumour, November 24, 2001
Well, the iDR team have returned. We may have been AWOL, or so it may have seemed to regular visitors, but actually we have been busy. Building on the success of the https://www.VisualStudioWire.NET/?idr site, we decided we would turn a couple of ideas into software and try and earn enough to finance this 'hobby site' ;o)
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WANTED - articles for the site - Article, November 24, 2001
We are always on the lookout for new articles for the website, which receives over 150k visitors every month. If you have a programming issue, get around, code snippet, or a sample book chapter, why not make the most of this audience? They are looking for your information already.
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2nd birthday competition - , November 23, 2001
Enter now to win a copy of SQL Server 2000 or Windows 2000 Advanced Server. To celebrate our 2nd birthday, we have some funky software to give away and we have made it real easy to win! If we have lots of entries we have also some Active X controls with source code which are a really nice giveaway.
Just tell us why we should give the software to you. Keep it programming related, but bribery, hard luck stories and all the rest are allowable!
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New COM cartoon on site - , November 23, 2001
All about COM threading models - a light-hearted explanation of an essential subject More details...
Other iDevResource.com Articles:
[COM] CAtlBitmapButton - ATL/WTL Ownerdraw Superclassed Bitmap Button - article, June 10, 2001
Amit Dey describes building a simple user interface consisting of a series of bitmap buttons in a dialog.
More details...
Salary Surveys - United Kingdom - article, June 10, 2001
Have you ever read salary surveys and found them completely unbelievable? If you have, it may be because they are often based on advertised salaries instead of the actual salaries that are being paid. And we all know there can be a huge difference between advertised salaries and the amount that appears on your pay slip every month!
... More details...
Winner of Competition - , May 11, 2001
And finally....we are pleased to announce the winner of our last, and most fab competition to date. Trumpet fanfare please...congratulations to ....Amit Dey of Bangalore, India who wins a full copy of Windows 2000 Advanced Server. ... More details...
New Books featured in VS.NET Bookstore - News, April 20, 2001
The VS.NET channel bookstore has been updated to bring you the lowdown on the latest books available on the .NET framework. Amongst the new books featured are Tom Archer's 'Inside C#' and O'Reilly's 'C# Essentials'. More details...
[XML] 'Running your first Web Services in 15 minutes' - Article, April 19, 2001
Following the inclusion of a web service search engine in our XML section, this tutorial will show you how to set up and run your first web service in 15 minutes. More details...
Other Articles:
Jobs section growing day by day! - Article, April 18, 2001
News Section on iDevResource.com: Job Vacancies - Article, April 5, 2001
[VS.NET] Handling VB ActiveX Events in Visual C++ client - Article, March 28, 2001
[VS.NET] An Interesting Introduction to ASP.NET - Article, March 27, 2001
[COM] COM+ Events - Part of the COM+ Development Series - Article, March 7, 2001
[COM] ATL COM and ADO - Article, March 6, 2001