
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
What is an Open Publisher?
IDevResource.com is an Open Publisher!
Open Publishers share their information with the rest of the world, for FREE!
IDevResource.com believes in the freedom to exchange information between programmers without the restriction of contracts, buying books, or going on expensive courses.
Our authors don't sign exclusive contracts with IDevResource.com forbidding them to work with other publishers. In fact, IDevResource actively encourages our authors to work with as many other publishers as possible. We see no reason in restricting the flow of information, and the talent of our authors. This helps you get the best advice from the experts.
All of the articles by our authors are freely available to you, our fellow developers. This also means our authors are available for helping with your coding problems. Find out about this in Author Central.
If you would like to become an author for IDevResource.com, mail us to find out the enormous benefits of publishing your name and work around the world, as well as how IDevResource.com Author Support can benefit your career and your bank balance!!