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Transactional COM+: Building Scalable Applications (The DevelopMentor Series) written by Tim Ewald
COM+, the next generation of COM, helps developers create more robust enterprise-scale applications; but it's not terribly well understood yet. "Transactional COM+: Building Scalable Applications" illuminates this incarnation of the specification for you, and highlights how you can make the most of runtime services, design your applications to get the best scalability and performance, control application-server technology, and more |
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Creating Lightweight Components with ATL written by Jonathan Bates
Creating Lightweight Components with ATL covers ATL in depth, including an overview of COM development, then drills down to explain how ATL implements the fundamentals of COM. It also details how small, lightweight ATL-based COM solutions can be created to solve 'real world' problems. Creating Lightweight Controls with ATL enables you to quickly get up to speed with ATL COM development, and shows how you can use the many ATL/COM APIs and techniques in conjunction with the Standard Template Library (STL) to develop and understand topics such as: Lightweight ActiveX Controls, Web-based Document Servers, Remote Database, Access via ADO & OLE DB, ActiveX Documents & Views, NT Services, DCOM/COM Servers, OLE Automation Servers. |
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Inside COM+ Base Services written by Guy Eddon, Henry Eddon
Inside COM+ Base Services examines many aspects of Microsoft's Component Object Model+ in depth. The book provides a great deal of information well-suited to experienced C++ programmers, as well as thorough explanations and useful code examples.
As with most books from Microsoft Press, this volume comes with a well-organized CD-ROM that contains complete source code for the examples presented in the book. (Most of the examples are actually code fragments, but the CD-ROM contains the code in its entirety.) One very nice feature of the CD-ROM is that it includes the contents of the book in Microsoft Electronic Book format, which makes searching for passages and copying code fragments very easy. Not limited to the C++ audience only, the book presents COM+ implementations in Visual Basic and J++ too. |
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Debugging Applications written by John Robbins
Run, do not walk, to buy this book. It's the most comprehensive and well-written book about debugging Win32 apps there is. |
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Written By Richard Grimes: Professional ATL COM Programming |
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Written by Paul Tindall: Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View
One of the five books that Macmillan Publishing has made available on the Internet before publication, Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View can be viewed at Informit
See Chapter 3 for Objects, Components and COM |
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Written by Don Box: Essential COM |
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Written by Don Box, Keith Brown, Tim Ewald, Chris Sells: Effective COM |
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COM IDL and Interface Design |
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Written by: Inside COM |
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Inside Distributed COM |
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Written by David Chappell: Understanding ActiveX and OLE |
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Written by Tom Armstrong: Designing and using ActiveX Controls |
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Written by Adam Denning: ActiveX Controls Inside Out |
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Written by David Platt: Essence of COM and ActiveX |
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Automation Programmer's Reference : Using Activex Technology to Create Programmable Applications |
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Essential Wininet: Developing Applications using the Windows Internet API with RAS, ISAPI, ASP and COM |
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Professional NT Services |
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Inside ATL, written by Brad King, George Shepherd
An authoritative guide to programming with Active Template Library (ATL), complete with under-the-hood details and explanations. Visual C++ programmers will learn how to develop components easier and faster by mastering ATL. The CD-ROM supplies programmers with the book's sample code as well as abundant sample controls and components. |
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Designing Applications With Msmq : Message Queuing for Developers, written by Alan Dickman
The new Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) brings reliable message delivery to the Windows NT platform. Written for the developer or manager, this book shows you ways to design sophisticated messaging systems, along with practical MSMQ programming knowledge. |
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Professional MTS and MSMQ Programming with VB and ASP , written by Alex Homer, David Sussman
If you're thinking of powering your next Web site with the latest in Microsoft Internet technologies, and you program in Visual Basic (VB), then Professional MTS and MSMQ with VB and ASP is for you. This fast-paced tutorial gives you a crash course in using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and the new Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, along with other Microsoft tools, for creating dynamic, commerce-enabled Web sites and Web-based applications. The authors provide a step-by-step guide to configuring and designing with VBScript, active server pages (ASPs) using transactions, and the new capabilities of message queuing. |
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Visual Basic 6 Mts Programming, written by Matt Bortniker, James M. Conard
Visual Basic 6 MTS Programming centers on the important role of Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) for creating scalable solutions in Visual Basic 6. For the intermediate or advanced Visual Basic (VB) developer, this tools-based tutorial to today's VB provides a solid working guide to building components for the Microsoft platform. Perhaps the principal strength of this book is its use of the actual tools that let VB developers create and deploy scalable components that use transactions and MTS. |
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Distributed COM Application Development Using Visual Basic 6.0 and MTS, written by Jim Maloney
Written for the intermediate to advanced Visual Basic developer, Distributed COM Applications Development Using Visual Basic 6.0 ably demonstrates how VB can be used to write powerful, scalable distributed applications using the distributed Component Object Model. |
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VB COM, written by Thomas Lewis
The book begins with one of the most approachable and effective tours of COM you're likely to find anywhere. The author covers COM components along with fundamental terms (such as interfaces, globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), IUnknown, and the registry) with a minimum of hassle. In a section on OLE Automation, the author shows how to use VB to script Excel spreadsheets, while explaining the details of early and late binding, IDispatch, and dual interfaces. |
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Building Sql Server 7 Applications with Com, written by Sanjiv Purba
Written for the database administrator or developer, Building Microsoft SQL Server 7 Applications with COM provides a solid working guide to what's best in the latest release of SQL Server. The book begins with a general introduction to SQL Server 7, including its administrative wizards and tools. (The author admits that SQL Server may not be the fastest, but it provides better ease of use than its competitors.) Author Sanjiv Purba offers hints for installing the product and using tools such as Enterprise Manager. |
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COM and CORBA Side by Side: Architectures, Strategies, and Implementations, written by Jason Pritchard
The major strength of this book is its parallel presentation of key concepts of distributed computing using both DCOM and CORBA. The author shows how objects work under each standard and how to program with them using C++, Java, and Visual Basic (for DCOM only). (Short, useful code excerpts show the different programming techniques with each standard.) He explains how distributed computing works in general as well as the specifics and advantages of DCOM and CORBA for today's enterprise. (The basic differences remain--Microsoft is a proprietary standard with great development tools and little cross-platform support while CORBA is a strong cross-platform option with fewer options for development tools.) Throughout this book, the author offers several assessment guides for choosing which standard to adopt for your organization based on its needs. |
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COM-CORBA Interoperability, written by Ronan Geraghty, Sam Joyce, Tom Moriarty, Gary Noone, Sean Joyce
If interoperability of Microsoft's Common Object Model and OMG Common Object Request Broker Architecture is your concern yet remains murky to you, you might as well stop reading this review right now and go buy the book. The authors are the architects of Iona's COMet COM-CORBA bridge. They've done it, they understand it, and they explain it very well. |
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COM and DCOM: Micrsoft's Vision for Distributed Objects, written by Roger Sessions
The straight scoop on Microsoft's distributed objects technologies. In the distributed objects world, Microsoft has had to defer to products such as CORBA, Netscape, and Java Beans. With COM and DCOM, Microsoft is poised to make a large dent in the enterprise market. This book teaches software developers the pros and cons of COM and DCOM. It explains how to use COM and DCOM with their existing systems, how they fit into two and three-tier client/server architectures. |
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Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0 (Roger Jennings' Database Workshop), written by Steven D. Gray, Rick A. Lievano, Roger Jennings
The book presents topics in a straightforward, friendly style and illustrates key techniques with interesting, useful examples. The task-oriented chapters provide useful information, sensible advice, and a down to business style. As readers are introduced to new topics, they are led through exercises using the database on the CD-ROM. The interactive workshop is a great learning tool and allows them to test their knowledge immediately. |
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Dcom : Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model, written by Frank E Redmond
For the hard-core corporate developer who needs "just the facts" and real-world examples to building distributed applications using Microsoft's Component Object Model. Loaded with carefully documented real-world C++ code that readers can put to work immediately. Complete with a Quick Reference to COM/DCOM interfaces, including keywords for all methods, properties, and other programming details, as well as a Glossary. |
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COM/DCOM Blue Book, written by Nathan Wallace
Nathan Wallace's COM/DCOM Blue Book provides an excellent guide to the Component Object Model (COM) development using today's Microsoft tools, from the Active Template Library (ATL) and Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) in Visual C++ to Visual Basic and Visual J++. Alternating chapters in this book feature either tools-based programming exercises (using ATL, MFC, VB, and Visual J++) or explanations of the technical details underlying COM's many attributes and functions. |
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COM/DCOM Unleashed (Unleashed Series), written by Randy Abernethy, Daniel Wygant, Jesus Chahin
One of the most current resources on how to build and implement the next-generation of distributed applications, this book explains the intricacies of COM and COM servers, shows readers how to build COM objects, how to encapsulate their functionality and use DCOM and COM+ to build client/server and Web-based enterprise applications. |
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Waite Group's COM/DCOM Primer Plus, written by Chris Corry (Editor), John Cadman, Waite Group, Vincent Mayfield, Randy Charles Morin
The Waite Groups COM/DCOM Primer Plus delivers a combination of COM/DCOM theory and practice; it explains APIs and interfaces with coded examples that will enable the reader to completely absorb the essentials of programming in COM. Readers will be taught COM/DCOM programming by learning how to navigate and manipulate the technical infrastructure on which their programs are built. |
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Learning Dcom, written by Thuan L. Thai, Andy Oram (Editor)
Written for the advanced C++ developer, Learning DCOM looks beyond wizard-generated code to teach you how you to build most of the C++ code yourself in order to create effective distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) components. The book commences with a tour of distributed computing, from the early days of terminal emulation, to the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and onward to today's DCOM. The author includes a rich introduction to COM, from objects and built-in and custom interfaces to important concepts such as containment and aggregation. Though somewhat densely written, these chapters on the details of DCOM expose its real inner workings with standout material providing a full treatment of the different thread apartment models. |
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Dan Appleman's Developing Com/Activex Components With Visual Basic 6, written by Daniel Appleman
Extremely thorough and densely packed with advice, this book is just right for the programmer who needs to know all the details about Visual Basic controls. The author begins with a tour of ActiveX and COM, along with some common myths about the technology. His introduction to COM technology is good, but Appleman also explains the pros and cons of COM objects used as in-process dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), standalone EXEs, and remote processes. When it comes to Visual Basic, the author gives plenty of expert knowledge on class and project options. |
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Distributed COM Application Development Using Visual Basic 6.0 and MTS, written by Jim Maloney
Written for the intermediate to advanced Visual Basic developer, Distributed COM Applications Development Using Visual Basic 6.0 ably demonstrates how VB can be used to write powerful, scalable distributed applications using the distributed Component Object Model (DCOM). |
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Beginning ATL 3 COM Programming, written by Richard Grimes, Reilly, Stockton, Julian Templeman, George V. Reilly
This book is aimed primarily at Visual C++ 6 Developers. It is ideal for people who need to get to grips with the principles of COM and the ways in which ATL handles much of the complexity for the programmer. |
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Com Beyond Microsoft : Designing and Implementing Com Servers on Compaq Platforms, written by Gene Cronin, Terence P. Sherlock
COM Beyond Microsoft specifically draws upon Compaq's recent breakthrough work with Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS to address a major, controversial topic of interest within the computer industry: how Microsoft's Common Object Model (COM) standard can be adopted by non-Microsoft products and potentially create an industry-wide programming standard. The companion CD-ROM contains valuable COM-based sample applications, including a data warehouse, that can run on any operating system supporting COM. |
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Developer's Workshop to COM and ATL 3.0, written by Andrew Troelsen
Developer's Workshop to COM and ATL 3.0 provides intermediate to advanced coverage of COM components and ActiveX controls using the Active Template Library (ATL) 3.0. Advanced COM topics such as enumerators and collections, binary aggregation and containment, integration with Visual Basic as well as the key features of Distributed COM (DCOM) are covered in detail. This title also addresses the creation of COM objects using pure C++ and the Interface Definition Language (IDL) in contrast to the ATL framework. |
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Developer's Workshop to Com and Visual Basic 6.0, written by Andrew Troelsen.
Developer's Workshop to COM and Visual Basic 6.0 provides intermediate to advanced coverage of COM components and ActiveX controls using Visual Basic 6.0. Advanced COM topics such as enumerators and collections, binary aggregation and containment, integration with Visual Basic 6.0 as well as the key features of Distributed COM (DCOM) are covered in detail. |
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Simply Scheme : Introducing Computer Science written by Brian Harvey, Matthew Wright
For anyone learning the Scheme programming language, the second edition of "Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science" provides a very digestible textbook-style introductory tutorial to this powerful and elegant language. In the words of the authors, "Simply Scheme" is designed to be a prequel to another book, "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs." This latter title has been a staple of introductory computer science courses for years, but it assumes a certain background. |
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