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Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: Swing Programming Topics
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Versions of Swing
Labels and HTML
The Event Dispatch Thread
Client Properties
Keyboard Shortcuts
The Box Container
Simple Dialogs
JTree and TreeModel
JTable and TableModel
JTextComponent and HTML Text Display
Pluggable Look-and-Feel
Custom Components
The last chapter provided an architectural overview of AWT and Swing; it
explained how to create a graphical user interface by placing
components inside containers, arranging them with layout
managers, and handling the events that they generate. This chapter
builds on that architectural foundation and introduces many other
important features of Swing. Most of the topics discussed herein are
independent of one another, so you can think of each section as a
short essay on a particular topic, where the sections can be read
in any order.
This chapter introduces many of the new components and features of
Swing, but it cannot cover them in full detail. For more
information on the topics covered herein, see
Swing, by Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, and Dave Wood
3.1 Versions of Swing
Swing is a core part of the Java 2 platform, so many developers
will simply obtain the Swing libraries when they download the Java
2 SDK. Swing is also available as a separate download
for use as an extension to Java 1.1. When you download Swing
independently of the SDK, you must pay attention to the Swing
version number. Swing 1.0.3 is an early version of Swing that was
released before Version 1.2 of Java 2. It is now outdated and is not documented
in this book. Swing 1.1 is the version of Swing that is
being bundled
with Java 1.2. You can download a version
of it for use with Java 1.1 from
As this book goes to press, the most recent version of Swing is Swing 1.1.1. This version of Swing is bundled with Java 1.2.2 and is also available for use with Java 1.1 from the web site mentioned in the previous paragraph. Swing 1.1.1 fixes
many bugs in the initial release of Swing 1.1 but does not change the Swing 1.1 API in any way. Its use is strongly recommended. Swing 1.1.1 is the last release of Swing that will be available for use with Java 1.1.
Development of Swing continues, and Java 1.3 will ship with a new version that includes a number of minor changes and improvements to the Swing API. This future release will focus on improving the existing APIs and should not add many new APIs.
3.2 Labels and HTML
In the initial releases of Swing 1.1 and Java 1.2, the
JButton, and related classes that display textual labels can display only a single line of text using a single font. In Swing 1.1.1 and Java 1.2.2, however, components like these can display multiline, multifont text using simple HTML formatting. To display formatted text, simply specify a string of HTML text that begins with an
<HTML> tag. You can use this feature to present text using multiple fonts, font styles, and colors. Just as important, however, the introduction of HTML allows you to specify multiline labels.
This new formatted text display feature is available in Java 1.2.2 for the
JTabbedPane, and
JToolTip classes. It is not supported (at least in Java 1.2.2) by
JCheckBox or
JRadioButton, however. Formatted text display is particularly useful with
JOptionPane dialog boxes (described later in this chapter), as they display text using internal
JLabel objects.
3.3 Actions
A GUI application often allows a user to invoke an operation in a
number of different ways. For example, the user may be able to
save a file by either selecting an item from a menu or clicking on
a button in a toolbar. The resulting operation is exactly the
same; it is simply presented to the user through two different
Swing defines a simple but powerful
javax.swing.Action interface
that encapsulates information about
such an operation. The
Action interface
extends the
ActionListener interface, so it
contains the
actionPerformed() method. It is this
method that you
implement to actually perform the desired action. Each
Action object also has an arbitrary set of
name/value pairs that provide additional information about the
action. The values typically include: a short string
of text that names the operation, an image that can be used to
represent the action graphically, and a longer string of text
suitable for use in a tooltip for the action. In addition, each
Action object has an
property and a
setEnabled() method that allows
it to be enabled and disabled. (If there is no text selected in a
text editor, for example, the
action is usually disabled.)
You can add an
Action object directly to a
JMenu or
component. When you do this, the component automatically creates
JMenuItem or
JButton to
represent the action, making the action's operation available to the
user and displaying the action's textual description and graphical
image as appropriate. When an action is disabled, the
JMenuItem or
component that represents the action displays it in a grayed-out
style and does not allow it to be selected or invoked.
One shortcoming of
working with actions is that there is no way to tell a
JMenuBar or
JToolBar to
display just text or just icons for actions. Although you
might like an action's name to be displayed in a menu and its icon
to be displayed in a toolbar, both
JMenuBar and
JToolBar display an action's textual name and its
Action interface helps you
implement a clean separation between GUI code and
application logic. Remember, however, that you cannot just
Action objects directly. Since
Action is a kind of
ActionListener, you must define an individual
subclass of
Action that implements the
actionPerformed() method for each of your
desired actions. The
AbstractAction class is
helpful here; it implements everything except the
actionPerformed() method.
3.4 Tooltips
A Swing component can display context-sensitive help to the user
in the form of a
a small window that pops up when the
user lets the mouse rest over the component. You can display text
in this window that explains the purpose or function of the
component. Specify this text with the
setToolTipText() method. This
toolTipText property is inherited from
JComponent, so it is shared by all Swing
While it is a good idea to provide tooltips for the benefit of
your novice users, your experienced users may find them annoying,
so it is nice to provide a way to turn them
off. You can do this programatically
by setting the
property of the
ToolTipManager object. The
code looks like this:
3.5 Timers
javax.swing.Timer object generates single
or multiple
ActionEvent events at time
intervals that you specify. Thus, a
is useful for performing a repeated operation like an animation.
They are also useful for
triggering operations that must occur at some point in the future.
For example, an application might display a message in a status
line and then set up a
Timer object that
erases the message after 5,000 milliseconds. These operations can
also be performed with threads, of course, but since Swing is not
designed for thread safety, it is usually more convenient to use a
You use
Timer objects just like regular
components. A
Timer has
property accessor methods and an
addActionListener() method that you can use
to add event listeners. The
initialDelay property specifies how many
milliseconds the
Timer waits before firing its first
ActionEvent. If the
property is
Timer generates a new
ActionEvent each time
delay milliseconds passes.
When an application (or the
system in general) is very busy or when the
property is very small, the timer may fire events faster than the
application can process them. If the
property is
Timer combines
multiple pending events into a single
ActionEvent, rather than letting a queue of
unprocessed events build up.
3.6 The Event Dispatch Thread
For efficiency reasons, Swing components are not
designed to be thread safe. This means that Swing components should be
manipulated by a single thread at a time. The easiest way to
ensure this is to do all your GUI manipulations from the event
dispatch thread. Every GUI application has an event dispatch
thread: it is the thread that waits for events to occur and
then dispatches those events to the appropriate event handlers.
All of your event listener methods are invoked by the event
dispatch thread, so any GUI manipulations you perform from an
event listener are safe.
There are times, however, when you need to update your UI in
response to some kind of external event, such as a response from a
server that arrives in a separate thread. To accommodate
these situations, Swing provides two utility methods that allow you
ask the event dispatch thread to run arbitrary code. The methods
SwingUtilities.invokeLater() and
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(). You pass a
Runnable object to each method, and the
run() method of this object is
invoked from the event thread.
returns right away, regardless of when the
method is invoked, while
invokeAndWait() does
not return until the
run() method has completed.
invokeLater() and
invokeAndWait() methods do not run
Runnable object right away. Instead, each
method encapsulates the
Runnable object
within a special
event object and places the event on the event queue. Then, when
all pending events have been handled, the
Runnable object is extracted from the event
queue and the event dispatch thread calls its
run() method. This means that
invokeLater() provides a useful way to defer the
execution of some chunk of code until after all pending events have been
processed. There are times when you may even want to do this
with code that is already running within the event dispatch thread.
3.7 Client Properties
In addition to its normal set of properties,
JComponent includes a hashtable in which it can
store arbitrary name/value pairs. These name/value pairs are
called client properties, and they can be set and queried with
putClientProperty() and
getClientProperty() methods. Since these are
JComponent methods, they are inherited by all
Swing components. Although both the name and value of a client
property can be arbitrary objects, the name is usually a
String object.
Client properties allow arbitrary data to be associated with any
Swing component. This can be useful in a number of situations.
For example, suppose you've created a
that contains 10
JMenuItem components. Each
component notifies the same
object when it is invoked. This action listener has to
decide which of the 10 menu items invoked it and then perform
whatever action is appropriate for that menu item. One way the
action listener can distinguish among the menu items is by looking
at the text that each displays. But this approach doesn't work
well if you plan to translate your menu system into other
languages. A better approach is to use the
setActionCommand() method (inherited from
AbstractButton) to associate a string with each
of the
JMenuItem components. Then the action
listener can use this string to distinguish among the various menu
items. But what if the action listener needs to check
some kind of object
other than a
String in order to decide how to
process the action event? Client properties are the solution:
they allow you to associate an arbitrary object (or multiple
objects) with each
Client properties are used within Swing to set properties
that are specific to a single look-and-feel implementation. For
example, the default Java look-and-feel examines the client
properties of a few components to obtain additional information
about how it should display the components. Here are some
details on these particular client properties:
When a
JInternalFrame is being used as a
floating palette, set this client property to
Boolean.TRUE to change the look of the
JScrollPane sets this client property
Boolean.FALSE on the
JScrollBar components it creates.
Setting this client property of a
Boolean.TRUE causes the slider to
display a different background color on either side of the
slider thumb.
Setting this client property to
Boolean.TRUE on a
JToolBar causes the component
to highlight the border of
whatever child component the mouse is currently over.
This client property specifies how the
JTree component draws the branches of its
tree. The default value is the string
"Horizontal"; other possible values are
"Angled" and "None".
3.8 Keyboard Shortcuts
A full-featured user interface does not require the user to use the
mouse all the time. Instead, it provides keyboard shortcuts that
allow the user to operate the application primarily or entirely
with the keyboard. Swing has a number of features that support
keyboard shortcuts. Every Swing component is designed
to respond to keyboard events and support keyboard operation
automatically. For example, a
JButton is
activated when it receives a
KeyEvent that tells
it that the user pressed the
Spacebar or the
Enter key. Similarly,
JMenu and
JList respond to
the arrow keys.
3.8.1 Focus Management
In order for a Swing component to receive keyboard events, it
must first have the keyboard focus. In the
old days, before graphical interfaces, when you typed on
the keyboard, the characters always appeared on the screen.
There was only one
so there was only one place to send key events.
This changes with the introduction of
windowing systems and GUIs, however, as there
are now lots of places that keyboard events can be directed to.
When there is more than one window open on the screen, one
window is singled out as the current window (or the
focused window). Most windowing systems highlight this
window somehow. When you type at the keyboard, it is understood
that your keystrokes are directed at the current window.
Just as a screen may contain many application windows, a single
application window usually contains many GUI components.
An application window must redirect the
keyboard events it receives to only one of these components,
called the focused component.
Like most GUI toolkits, Swing highlights the component that has
the keyboard focus, to let the user know where keyboard events
are being directed. The
details of the highlight depend on the look-and-feel that is
currently in effect, but focus is often indicated by drawing a
bold border around a component.
A Swing component can be operated from the keyboard when it
has the focus. The user can usually direct keyboard focus to a
given component by clicking on that component with the
mouse, but this defeats the whole point of not using the
mouse. The missing piece of the picture is focus
traversal, otherwise known as keyboard navigation, which
allows the user to
use the keyboard to change focus from one component to the next.
Swing uses the
Tab key to
implement focus traversal. When the user presses
Tab, Swing moves the keyboard focus from
the current component to the next component that can accept the
focus. (Some components, such as
JLabel objects, do
not respond to keyboard events and are therefore
never given the focus.)
When the user types
Swing moves keyboard focus backward to the previous focusable
component. By default, keyboard focus moves from left to right
and top to bottom within a container. You can override
this, however, by setting the
nextFocusableComponent property of your
components, chaining them together in whatever order you desire.
When a container is given focus through this mechanism, it
passes that focus on to its first focusable child. When the
focus reaches the last focusable child, some containers
relinquish the focus and allow it to move on, while other containers
retain the focus and give it back to the first focusable
child. You can determine the behavior of a container by calling
isFocusCycleRoot(). If this method returns
true, the container defines a focus
cycle and retains the focus. The user must type
Ctrl-Tab to traverse to the next focus
cycle or
Ctrl-Shift-Tab to
traverse to the previous focus cycle. There is no
setFocusCycleRoot() method: the only way you
can change this behavior is by subclassing a container and
overriding the
isFocusCycleRoot() method.
Also note that multiline text components such as
JTextArea and
use the
Tab key for their own
purposes. These components behave like focus cycles, so
the user must type
Ctrl-Tab to
move the focus away from such a component.
An application sometimes needs to set the keyboard
focus to a particular component explicitly.
You can do this by calling the
requestFocus() method of that component.
Components typically call
themselves under certain circumstances, such as when they are
clicked on. If you do not want a component to respond to
requestFocus() calls, set its
requestFocusEnabled property to
false. For example, you might set this
property on a
JButton so that the user can
click on it without taking keyboard focus away from whatever
component currently has it.
Swing focus management is handled by the currently installed
javax.swing.FocusManager object. You can
obtain this object with
FocusManager.getCurrentFocusManager(). If
you implement your own manager, you can install it with
3.8.2 Menu Mnemonics and Accelerators
Although Swing components can all be operated automatically from
the keyboard, doing so is often cumbersome. The solution is
to provide additional explicit keyboard shortcuts for common
actions, as is commonly done with items on pull-down menus.
Swing pull-down menus support two traditional types of
keyboard shortcuts: mnemonics and accelerators.
Figure 3.1 shows both types
of menu shortcuts.
Figure 3.1: Swing menu mnemonics and accelerators 
menu mnemonic
is a single-letter abbreviation for a menu
command. When the menu has already been pulled down, the user can type
this single key to invoke that menu item. The mnemonic for a
menu item is
typically indicated by underlining the letter of the
shortcut in the menu item name, which means that you must select
a shortcut letter that appears in the menu item label.
Mnemonics must be unique within a menu, of course, but multiple
menu panes can reuse mnemonics. Items in a menu bar may also
have mnemonics. You specify a mnemonic for a menu or a menu item
with the
setMnemonic() method (inherited from
JMenu file = new JMenu("File");
JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
save.setMnemonic('S'); // Always use a capital letter
menu accelerator
is a unique keyboard command that can be used
to invoke a menu item even when the menu is not displayed.
An accelerator is represented by a
object and usually includes a keyboard modifier such as
Ctrl or
Alt. Unlike mnemonics, accelerators
can be applied only to menu items, not to menus in a menu bar.
You can create an accelerator for a menu item by calling
setAccelerator(). To obtain an appropriate
KeyStroke object, call the static
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke() method with the
keycode and modifier mask for the keyboard command you
want to use:
JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");