
The Developer's Resource & Community Site
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Products: ASP | ATR | COM | JAVA | XML | Developer Magazines | Software
ActiveDOM - from Vivid Creations (www.vivid-creations.com) |
ActiveDOM is a high performance COM component (ActiveX control) that gives developers the power to create and manipulate XML data from a wide variety of programming languages and technologies such as ASP. With just a few lines of code you can create simple XML documents or load complex XML documents. With a few more lines of code you can build advanced XML enabled applications, sending and receiving XML documents over HTTP.
More details about ActiveDOM can be found at https://www.vivid-creations.com |
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Dundas Pie Chart Server - www.dundas.com |
Dundas PIE Chart Server is a commercial quality server-side COM component
that offers ASP developers the ability to include presentation quality pie
chart graphics in their applications, and best of all, it's absolutely free!
Originally intended for release as a commercial product to be sold in
Dundas' award winning product lineup, Dundas PIE Chart Server includes all
of Dundas Software's product hallmarks, such as MSDN Integrated help,
complete samples and examples, and more.
The product is not a Demo nor is it a trial, Dundas PIE Chart Server is
complete, and ready-to-use, there is simply no cost for the product.
www.dundas.com. |
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KavaChart - www.ve.com/kavachart |
KavaChart from VE.com is an extensive collection of chart server utilities that can be used as COM objects, Java beans, applets, or servlets.
www.VE.com/kavachart. |
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EmailScreen - www.email-screen.com |
EmailScreen is a COM/ATL compliant developer component that performs real
time email address validation on web site forms. Stop bad email addresses
before they get into your database! EmailScreen is a formless DLL and is
perfect for a Microsoft ASP environment.
www.email-screen.com. |
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ActiveBundle - www.infomentum.com/activebundle/ |
Stock your toolbox with the Professional's suite for web development tools. Fully supported file upload/download, email, and personalization components make coding quality, user-friendly websites simple. Advanced, dependable features save you time while adding sophistication to your site.
Priced at only $399, much lower than other ASP suites!
https://www.infomentum.com/activebundle/ |
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Dundas ASP Mailer - www.dundas.com |
The Dundas Mailer Control 1.0 is a free commercial email control which
utilizes the SMTP and NNTP protocols to send email messages and post news
articles. It has been designed for use within Active Server Pages (ASP) and
can be used by any person or organization that is hosting web sites using
Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS).
The Dundas Mailer control is extremely fast, flexible, and reliable.
www.dundas.com |
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AppletFile - www.infomentum.com/appletfile/ |
Professional ASP and Cold Fusion users agree: A BETTER USER INTERFACE for FILE TRANSFER is nailed with just a few lines of code and Infomentum's AppletFile! EXCLUSIVE advanced features like AutoZIP on-the-fly COMPRESSION and AutoSYNC make this the PROFESSIONAL’s choice. Sample applications make coding a snap. FULLY SUPPORTED. Downloads from the server and executes automatically on the client. https://www.infomentum.com/appletfile/ |
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ASP Lightning - www.infomentum.com/asplightning/ |
Call it an ASP compiler, a packaging system, an ASP code protector, an ASP performance enhancer, or whatever you want. It's Infomentum's ASPLightning and it's a "must have" for any serious ASP developer. Easy to use. Easy to install.
https://www.infomentum.com/asplightning/ |
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ASP Studio |
Awesome Components Packaged in One Solution for a Really Unbelievable Price!
ASPstudio combines our most popular and powerful components in one solution
at an unbelievable price. Only $549 buys you over 20 components including
our latest:
- SA-FileUp
- SA-Admin
- SA-Archive
- SA-FileManagerTx
- SA-XFile.
https://www.softartisans.com |
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Why not advertise your new product, or existing product range here?
Advertising on iDevResource.com will showcase your products to the people that count. Include URLs and your logo.
Contact us at [email protected] for further details. |
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Tidestone Formula 1 7.0 - www.tidestone.com |
Formula One(tm) 7.0 is a 100% Pure Java(tm) certified and Excel-compatible JavaBeans(tm) component. It's used for embedding spreadsheet-driven reporting and analysis into servlets, JavaServer(tm) Pages, applets, and applications deployed on the Web. Written on the Java(tm) 2 platform with AWT and Swing support, Formula One reads and writes Excel files and charts. It enables developers to place a powerful spreadsheet engine in any tier of their Web applications.
For more information, see: https://www.tidestone.com. |
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INPRISE/BORLAND JBUILDER 3.5 - www.borland.com |
JBuilder 3.5, is a new version of the JBuilder Java(tm) development tool. It includes strong support for J2EE so that programmers can rapidly deliver reliable and scalable Enterprise Java applications. JBuilder 3.5 provides wizards and visual tools for creating reusable JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans(tm) components. Also included with JBuilder is a Development License for VisiBroker for Java and the Inprise Application Server 4.0, which supports J2EE technology standards.
For more information, see: https://www.borland.com. |
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FLASHLINE QUALITY ASSURANCE LAB - www.flashline.com/lab/lab.jsp |
Flashline.com's Quality Assurance Lab is the industry's first testing service for third-party JavaBeans(tm) components, Enterprise JavaBeans(tm) components, and Java(tm) code. The QA Lab offers services for testing structure, EJB load andperformance, as well as other quality issues. It offersobjective test analysis conducted throughout the development cycle, from design through deployment.
For more information, see: https://www.flashline.com/lab/lab.jsp. |
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Chumbo.com |
Chumbo.com is the Ultimate Source in Software online. Winner of PC Magazine's Editor's Choice award for best online software store, Chumbo has thousands of software titles at exceptional product and shipping prices. |
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List manager software for email marketing and publishing, fights spam!. |
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Are you sure your website is performing OK? Checks backend databases, that your server is still standing, and that your page content is correct. |
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