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Training Courses: ASP | ATR | COM | JAVA | XML
Training Courses |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Free Online COM Tutorial
COM tutorials for C++ and VB developers present guided tours through Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM). This a great way to learn interfaced based programming at your own pace and prepare yourself to work with all COM-based technologies https://www.develop.com/learnVBCom.htm |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Guerrilla COM(+)
With the impending evolutionary changes proposed by COM+, the dependencies on core COM and MTS infrastructure are becoming vital to modern COM development practices. If you aren't already using COM and MTS, you're missing out on a genuine revolution in software development. This event is a 12-hour-a-day immersion in COM and MTS programming and design techniques that is led by one of the industry's leading experts.
Couse locations: Torrance and London https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=1 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential COM(+): for C++ programmers
Presents the critical issues in building distributed applications with COM & C++, including multithreading, security, and how COM interacts with HTTP. The information presented in Essential COM(+) is the cornerstone of all the work you'll do with COM. You will learn the most important principles of COM, MTS, and COM+, and then apply your COM knowledge in lab exercises that include writing in-process and out-of-process COM servers, as well as creating and deploying distributed objects using Microsoft Transaction Server.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=41 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential COM(+): for VB programmers
Presents the critical issues in building distributed applications with COM & Visual Basic, including context, interception, attributed-based programming, and running distributed transactions with MTS. You will learn the most important principles of COM+ for VB developers, then apply your COM knowledge in lab exercises that include writing ActiveX DLLs for deployment in distributed applications using MTS and COM+.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=40 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Advanced COM
This course focuses the remoting architecture and plumbing of COM. It is an advanced tour-de-force through advanced techniques, skills, and concepts that are important to developers who care about stability, performance, and scalability of their distributed applications. Building upon a base understanding of COM, this course focuses on the advanced areas of COM (including new features in NT5) that, while important, are the least understood and by far the most under-documented. The mantra of this course is this: the more deeply you understand the inner workings and subtleties of COM, the better prepared you will be to bend it to your will.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=42 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Designing Transactional Applications with COM(+) and MTS
This course builds upon your knowledge of interface-based development introduced by classic COM and shows how context and transactions completely change the world-view of modern COM development. You will become comfortable with the refinements introduced by MTS/COM+, including context, activities, and interception. You also will become familiar with the issues that arise when mixing transactional programming with object-orientation. Perhaps most importantly, you will learn exactly how MTS and COM+ work and which aspects of the model have any bearing on scalability (you may be surprised).
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=65 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential OLE DB & ADO
This course teaches you how the ATL templates lower the bar for writing high-quality, high-performance OLE DB code. We will delve into the technical details of some real-world providers and determine when it is appropriate to use the service provider architecture to expand their capabilities. You’ll also learn about how OLE DB relates to ADO, and how to use each effectively by investigating what ADO is doing behind the scenes. You will explore data remoting and serialization architectures using OLE DB, ADO, and Remote Data Services (RDS) and learn to write data source objects for use on the web.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=53 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Distributed Services: for VB developers
Distributed Services for VB developers is designed to give experienced COM developers practical experience with the diverse range of services you will use in building a distributed system with VB, including distributed objects, transactions, security, message queuing, and web protocols. The course will show you not only the interaction between these services, but their internals, and most importantly, when to use them.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=59 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential ADO
Essential ADO is an in-depth course designed to teach you how to get the most out of Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and embrace Universal Data Access (UDA). This course will show you the beauty of the newer, simpler approach to data access through a single API made possible by ADO and the underlying technology OLE DB. Essential ADO is a surgical look at the core ADO object model as well as its siblings ADO/X, ADO/MD, and the JRO. You will learn also how to explore and manage the various providers available in the MDAC SDK and how to fully exploit ADO Recordsets and Command objects. In addition, you will learn the why of ADO and how to optimize your code to work with the latest versions of providers, servers, and libraries.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=62 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential ATL
Until now, plain C++ has been the de facto standard for writing COM objects. However, writing COM code involves producing a good deal of boilerplate code that is mostly the same from object to object. Microsoft has developed ATL (the Active Template Library) for just this purpose. ATL Speeds COM development by providing a lightweight framework for creating software components. This course covers how to use ATL to maximize your effort and make you a happier COM developer. Through lab exercises, you'll become familiar with ATL (as it ships with VC++) and the architecture behind it. You will also create your own COM objects and test their reuse.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=24 |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
COM(+) Programming with ATL & MFC
COM(+) Programming with ATL and MFC explains the architecture of visual components in C++ and will show you how to build these various components in C++ using ATL and MFC. The course will reveal exactly what ATL and MFC are doing when you request any COM-based features and how to extend the default functionality of these frameworks. You will first learn how to build controls and containers in C++, without using ATL or MFC. With that knowledge you will study how ATL and MFC encapsulate COM and how each library implements the core set of control interfaces. This course covers all facets of ActiveX/OLE technology, including ActiveX controls, Automation, Document Objects, and Document Object containers. You will learn how ATL and MFC implement each core ActiveX/OLE technology, and gain perspective on which library is best suited for which technologies.
Couse locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=47 |
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Building solutions for W2K with Visual Basic: |
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Guerrilla VB
Extreme one-week, hands-on experiences engineered for developers who need to become productive immediately. In addition to a PC work environment, students are supplied with a bed, food, and caffeinated beverages.
Course Locations: Torrance, London. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=27
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Guerilla Windows—May 22-26
Extreme one-week, hands-on experiences engineered for developers who need to become productive immediately. In addition to a PC work environment, students are supplied with a bed, food, and caffeinated beverages. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=2
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Training from DevelopMentor: |
Essential Visual Basic
Essential Visual Basic is a rapid yet thorough introduction to building Windows applications using the latest version of Visual Basic. You will master the construction of robust GUI-based apps, applying effective development strategies based on object-oriented programming. You will also study other important aspects of Windows programming, including database access, use of the Windows API, help file integration, interface-based programming, and the construction of COM-based components (which can be shared with other developers, whether they are using VB or not). Efficient programming techniques will be stressed at all times, as well as defensive programming via error trapping and liberal use of assertions.
Course Locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=10
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Training from Developmentor: |
Essential Java
Essential Java focuses on giving you an understanding of exactly what Java is and how to build, compile, debug, and distribute effective stand alone Java applications and Java Web Applets. The course is designed to be an accelerated overview of the Java language and runtime model for developers experienced with C/C++, VB, or another language. The course keeps up with the newest features in Java, including interfaces and packages, and also provides special discussions on how to deal with popular programming language features that are not in Java, such as pointers, preprocessing, and multiple inheritance. In lab exercises you will write Java code without the assistance of any visual programming or “wizards,” leaving you prepared to read & write Java code in a production environment.
Course Locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=9
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Training from Developmentor: |
Intensive Java
There's a clear distinction between the Java programmer who knows the basics of the language, and the Java programmer who has mastery over the runtime VM. The former can effectively build GUIs and deploy a Java solution. The latter can design solutions, using powerful techniques that take advantage of the runtime Java virtual machine features. The former is a Java programmer. The latter person is key on a Java development team shipping a Java application. Intensive Java was created to take existing Java programmers to the next level of experience, where the language needs to be fully exploited in a production environment. This course closely examines the relationship between objects, classes, and class loaders. And it culminates with coverage of the ultimate expression of this three-way relationship: JavaBeans. In lab exercises, you will experiment with creating interesting technologies, such as JavaBeans, self-updating packages, and JAR files.
Course Locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=35
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Training from Developmentor: |
Transactional Programming with EJB
This is an intensive class for intermediate to advanced Java programmers. This course assumes you have taken Essential RMI (or have equivalent experience) and that you are comfortable writing, testing, and debugging Java RMI-based distributed applications. https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=49
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Training From Developmentor: |
Essential XML
XML is the lingua franca of interoperability for today's distributed applications. This course will teach you the essentials of XML and how XML is, at its core, about providing you with the freedom of choice. We will marvel at the breathtaking simplicity of the XML abstract information model (Infoset) and the concrete serialization format (XML 1.0). We will see how its simplicity allows us to choose an API (e.g., SAX or DOM) to manipulate the information model. We will examine XML namespaces, and how they enable us to retain the simplicity of the information model while at the same time allowing different applications to seamlessly operate on the same XML documents.
Course Locations: Torrance, Boston, London and Portland https://www.develop.com/dm/Course.asp?id=64
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Richard Hale Shaw's XML Bootcamp Training: |
XML—May 21-25, Ann Arbor, MI
Learn the Extensible Markup Language from Michael Floyd, the author of Building Web Sites with XML (Prentice-Hall). Master the DOM, learn XSL, use style sheets and DTD, and apply vocabularies. Taught by Michael Floyd. Early Bird discount ends Friday, April 28. https://www.xmlbootcamp.com/
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